Colorful chairs and murals fill the nursery that is located only steps away from the sanctuary.     

A Place to Worship (Sunday at 10:15 AM) 

     "When I came to Glen Echo, I felt as though I walked into warmth." Guests remark on the genuine welcome that they receive from the congregation. We define ourselves as a family of faith, and we're eager to get to know new brothers and sisters. Conversations that begin before worship continue often during the Coffee Fellowship after the service. People of all ages are welcome, and there's a table for children in the sanctuary. Worship services are broadcast in the nursery and the lounge, which are located steps away from the sanctuary.
     The blended service is led by lay leaders, our gifted organist, and the pastor. A very meaningful part of the service is the extended time of prayer when the congregation shares their joys and concerns. Notes are taken, and the pastor prays aloud while the congregation prays silently for these concerns, as well as for all of God's creation. This prayerful communication helps us to become even more aware of God's mercy and ever-present grace.
     Central to our worship is the weekly celebration of the Lord's  Supper, where the outpouring of God's love is made known to us again and again. As members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.